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Change Management in Project

One thing is certain. In each project you will have unexpected elements. Theses changes will cause possible deviations and potentially delay or use of unplanned resources.
It is important as project manageger to have a clear view of the reasons of deviations. A good practice is to keep the initial task list unchanged. So don’t try to “hide” or “diluate” the extra work load in the initially planned tasks.

for example, let’s imagine that you have four tasks

design system 2 days
implement the system 3 days
test the system 2 days
deploy the system 1 day

Now the project is underway and the customers requiers some aditional documentation.
The idea is to create an aditional task with planned 0h. the real hours will be logged on that specific task.

At the end of the project you will be able to have a clear view at the cuases of your deviation.
imagine that the final work load look as folowing

design system 2 days 2 days
implement the system 3 days 3 days
test the system 2 days 2 days
deploy the system 1 day 1 days
Documentation 1 day 0 days 1 days

This trick will help you identify, quantify your deviation.

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